Saturday, 21 December 2013

If you go down to the woods today....

 I have finally finished this semester at Cambridge School of Art, where I have been busy creating two book projects to take to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy March 2014. Here are some sketches and not terribly good photos of the work in progress (the colours are washed out!).  The projects are very different from each other –  ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and  a picture book story I have written  myself featuring a girl, her dog Boris and a line.
It seems yet again, many of my ideas are inspired from living in the New Forest. I love walking in all weathers - first thing in the morning or dusk when the bats and owls make their presence felt. And like Red Riding Hood I am not scared and will vere off the tracks to gather bits and pieces, meeting donkeys, cows, horses and deer - no big bad wolf yet!

Red Riding Hood

A detail from the wood
Rough sketch from the dummy book

                                                                'The Line' project

Character sketch.

Work in progress.

Rough sketch from the dummy book